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5 Ways to Be An Encourager When Someone Needs Hope

5 ways to be an encourager when someone needs hope, encouragement
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It is probably safe to say that everyone has interludes in their life when spirit is daunted, the joy gauge is low, and self-confidence is missing. Causes can range from a severe loss in one’s life to just a barren time that makes life rather insipid, colorless and without taste. Most of us have developed methods of bolstering our spirits through meditation, exercise or perhaps a travel vacation. However, there are times in our lives when we feel overwhelmed, discouraged and without a lot of hope. And we realize we need encouragement. Today let’s talk about 5 ways to be an encourager when someone needs hope.

Perhaps you see these negative signs in a friend, a work partner, a mate or relative. You recognize the signs, you may even be able to empathize from your own experiences.  However, you are hesitant to make a move for fear of being considered intrusive. Or perhaps you feel completely inadequate as to how to intervene because you are not yet perfect.  Where there is fear and sadness, there is also a cloud of despondency. Where can we find encouragement to buoy our spirits and help us soar again?  A concerned friend may well be the answer.

How to have the attributes of an encourager and provide hope to the hopeless

An encourager must have a genuine heart for people. Someone who sees life as more than just about me. Be advised, to be an encourager takes time and effort and selflessness. However, it is a gift that develops even more character in the giver as it lifts the downtrodden, disappointed, deserted, dejected, or discouraged to new heights. I hope you find these 5 ways to be an encourager when someone needs hope helpful.

It has been said that “a word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success.”  Choose to be an encourager.

Five Ways to Be An Encourager

Here are five basic ways to reach out to and to help someone who needs encouragement:

1. Be in the present with that person

  • Do not avoid him. Identify with him. Listen. If the hurting individual has missed out on a promotion, flunked out of grad school, broken up with a dream mate, or whatever, choose to be a good listener, without judging. 
  • Speak kindness. Verbalize truths that can be enlightening. Point out virtues and traits as well as skills that you recognize in that friend. 
  • Relate through doing an activity or having a meal together – allowing the person to be honest in his feelings. 
  • Remember, you will need to be the instigator of conversation as well as activities at this time. Usually, when a person feels dejected, energy and motivation lag as well. 

2. Seek to instill confidence in the one feeling defeated and discouraged

  • Even someone who occupies leadership rolls and may be publicly recognized for their contributions may become despondent when negatives hit their lives.  
  • Some people are always needier than others and need constant affirmation and praise.  Others may just periodically hit a low point.  
  • Remind that person of the abilities, skills, and gifts that they possess. Recall the high points, the victories, and the contributions previously experienced.
  • Spotlight the admirable qualities they exude, the leadership that they provide so graciously; and thank them for the part they have played in making your own life richer.
  • Reaffirm your faith in God and open the door for that person to do the same. 
  • A person of faith has everything needed within himself and readily available; he just needs to be reminded to step out on that faith and depend on God to take him to a new high. 
  • Sharing a common faith has an empowering effect and points to stability and the return of hope in your life.

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10.
  • Encourage him to remember his history with God, who has not failed him yet and never will. 
  • Recall the battles that have been won and the fears that have been overcome.
  • Help create a grateful heart that will be open to healing.

3. Be an example of encouragement and hope

Encouragement is the giving of hope, courage, and confidence. The healing benefits of encouragement outweigh criticism. I hope you are finding these 5 ways to be an encourager when someone needs hope helpful.

  • Rekindling hope brings light and purpose back into one’s life. There is a purpose for each of us. Realizing who we are in God’s sight, that He loves us and knows our hurts as well as our joys, and that He desires to be our constant companion, is the cornerstone of rebuilding a broken part of our lives.  
  • Feed hope in the downcast by reminding them of past victories, however small they may be. 
  • Remind them of past joyous events; and point to the promise of hope and fulfillment in the future.
  • Hope is an assured expectation. Hope gives meaning to life. Eternal hope is a gift from God. That hope is available to permeate every area of our life and give encouragement in the everydayness of living. 
  • Encouragement ignites motivation by validating the person and helping them to see a brighter future.  
  • Talk about the possibilities that person may want to pursue with a reasonable hope of accomplishment.
  •  Discouragement causes mental blindness and a hopelessness regarding what is ahead. It drags down efforts in the making of plans.  Walk through this time with your friend.

It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

Deuteronomy 31:8

4. Give strength to the disheartened through encouragement 

  • Openly face the problem.  Affirm the good in that person – the trustworthiness, the dependability, the leadership and the confidence that you see in her. 
  • It is very important to be sincere in your affirmation. Let that person state any faults or lack of character that they may be identifying in themselves – only if they wish to discuss. They do not need those pointed out to them.  
  • Assure her that everything needed is already within, just waiting to be activated in order to accomplish her desired goals.  

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”

Charles R. Swindoll
  • Love that person who is feeling unloved, unwanted, unappreciated and thinks he is a complete loser.  Offer your availability to walk through this time with those experiencing a low time.  
  • Assure them you are a good and safe listener and then prove it. 
  • Promise not to be a “fixer” but do promise to be a constant friend. 
  • Ask how you can help without smothering the person. Offer available times for lunch or a walk.  
  • Consider asking the dejected one to help you with a project. Or perhaps find a volunteer group that would appeal to her gifts and interests – somewhere that she can make a difference and again find her worth. 
  • Lead in helping the person to be kind to herself and give herself grace.
  • Helpful comments that are sincere, such as; “You are way more than enough.”  And “I think you are (capable/dynamic/trustworthy).” “You have always been (dependable/ creative/faithful) and I know you can do it again.”   This type of meaningful statement helps remove self-doubts and boosts the ego, fanning that inner flickering flame of positivity. I hope you are finding these 5 ways to be an encourager when someone needs hope helpful.

5. Encourage each other to never give up and to persevere

  • Persevere – defines as patient endurance.  
  • Perseverance brings positive and profound results. It develops character, steadfastness, and deepens faith in God and self. 
  • Encourage a routine, good health habits, making plans and moving forward through forgiveness, hope, and faith.
  • I like to begin each day with “What are we going to do today, Lord?”  That reminds me that I am not alone and that I do have purpose – two positives we all need. 
  • And we must move forward. As a child, we were told to try and try again. Speak that truth.

 “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

Thomas A. Edison

“Never, never, never give up.” 

Winston Churchill

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13. 

Being an encourager benefits the giver as well as the recipient of this grace. We are encouraged ourselves as we encourage others. I hope you have found these 5 ways to be an encourager when someone needs hope helpful. If you would like to know Jesus Christ as you personal Lord and Savior, please watch the FREE GIFT video on this page. May God bless you and keep you.

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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